Thursday, July 5, 2012

I know you're not supposed to diet when you are pregnant, nor do I want to. But just what I feared would happen has started to. I was already on a healthy eating plan when I got pregnant and the first couple of weeks seemed pretty easy, which surprised me (I have a very big love, even addiction, with food and overindulging). Then I let one bad day turn into a slippery slope. My husband keeps getting on me any time I mention having to watch what I eat. But just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I want to let it all go. There's no reason I need to get three chins during this pregnancy! It's just very difficult for me to get back on track once I lose it.

Other than some nausea here and there I've been feeling pretty good. However, the overwhelming exhaustion is making housework suffer tremendously! I also had a mild panic attach when my slight nausea and extreme lack of energy was going to interfere with me teaching a Zumba class. Needless to say I did not do well. I hope that doesn't happen too often! But I've been trying to use my good energy with my kids, and I'm just trying to accept that the house is going to come second, or third...maybe fourth...

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